Illuminate your inner light:

solar plexus exploration workshop

Friday, May 10 at 4PM

In this immersive workshop, Carly will guide you through transformative practices aimed at activating and nurturing your solar plexus chakra, allowing you to tap into your innate wisdom and connect with your higher self. This workshop will involve a guided meditation, Reiki, journaling and a share circle.

Workshop Highlights:

  • Solar Plexus Meditation: Carly will guide you through a meditation specifically designed to awaken and align your solar plexus chakra.

  • Reiki Energy Healing: Experience the gentle yet powerful healing energy of Reiki as Carly provides individualized sessions to cleanse and balance your energy centers. Reiki will help remove blockages and facilitate the free flow of energy, promoting harmony and alignment within your being.

  • Journaling and Self-Reflection: Engage in introspective journaling exercises to deepen your understanding of your inner visions and intuitive insights. Through guided prompts and reflective writing, you will gain clarity and insight into your spiritual journey, fostering self-discovery and personal growth.

  • Share Circle: We will end the workshop by coming together in a supportive and nurturing environment to share your experiences, insights, and revelations. The share circle provides an opportunity for communal support and validation, fostering a sense of connection and unity among participants. Sharing is always optional!

Workshop cost: $45